Thursday 8 March 2012

#STOPKONY 2012 ???

This stop kony 2012 issue has gone viral in most of the social network out there since the past few days ( I don't think Myspace is flooded with the news so I use "most" instead of "all" ) LOL....  and yeah... actually I saw that video link a few days ago because bubzbeauty posted it on facebook.... ( I'd liked her facebook page ) and she wanted us to watch and share ... therefore, I did clicked on the link but to be honest, when I knew that the video was about 30 minutes long...konwing it was already midnight, I kinda ignored it....

Until the next day, when I saw #stopkony on twitter where the worldwide trend box laid... and this was when my curiosity took over and I went through the history box to find the link again.... I wanted to give it a try....  BOOM..... that 30 minutes caught me.... and I got goosebumps all over my hands.... so I followed the trend... trying to spread the news.... on twitter, facebook and also tumblr (I'm a NEWBIE) telling people to watch and share.... I wish to make an effort in the propaganda just like those in the video .... and I could see how people out there responded to this issue...I'm glad they are supportive .........


Today, I saw people saying that this whole thing was a S-C-A-M !!!! I felt like a fool, cheated by some so-called good guys.... but most of the rumours aren't true so I google it to find out .... even watched youtube videos about it.... still, NO CLUE..... NO CONCLUSION AT ALL.... I don't know if it's true or untrue.... I was so concerned about this issue that I'm overwhelmed when I first heard the rumours... I was shocked because I truly believed what happened in the video is still happening now and I can strongly feel that Invisible Children's looking into this problem seriously as they'd showed their concerns for such a long period ....knowing that they're profiting from their donations and that the children only get 25% of it just blow my mind....

In my opinion, I won't say that Invisible Children's a scam because you need money to operate and run a charity or an organization...they still need to raise their families, right?? at least they're making an effort in letting people know more about this... like spreading kony's face, making this propaganda widely spread.... and last time I checked it did successfully raised awareness of peoples all around the world ( no offense, i'm not being sarcastic )..... if you are still suspicious about the Invisible Children charity, it's not the only option here. There are still lots of charities out there doing the same thing... donate what you can afford to the legit one so that you won't feel insecure about your donations....

Don't let your mind clouded by rumours....

with much love <3

I'm New to Tumblr

Finally signed up for tumblr.....  I don't really know how to use it yet... but yeah... still "investigating"...  what i've done there since then was reblog reblog and reblog.... LOL... the pictures and quotes are awesome though.... :)

feel free to follow me :)

Tuesday 6 March 2012

This and That is Life :)

Recently, I've been listening to David Choi's songs and I find this song really really meaningful.....

I hate to say that I'm actually having a hard time now.... People judge me.... if it's just some strangers out there that don't know me, I won't be that sad......  but this time, it turns out to be my loved ones.........and I hate this feeling so much....
I start to doubt myself... I have no idea what I'm capable of and what my abilities are.... Sometimes, I feel insecure.... I'm always the timid one... and t-h-i-s .... it feels even worse.... hmm.....I know that I'm falling apart....
listening to this song, somehow just made my day :) and the lyrics just make everything seems easier...

If you're just like me, feeling bad...  wondering why everyone treat you so bad ....or everything went upside down.... Here's a song that would put a smile on your face .... :) It works on me...

This and That is Life Lyrics
David Choi

It's a Monday and there's so much to do
You gotta wake up soon cuz it's already noon
Oooooo Oooooo
Ya know it's something special when you roll out of bed
And then you realize life is not over yet
Oooooo Oooooo

Let's get it together
Yeah it happens again
But it doesn't matter
Cuz it's not the end

We got time to improve
Time can renew
I don't know why
But I wanna cry
Cuz this, and that, is life

Oh as this world keeps spinning
You and I keep fishing
Flying kites and wishing
For something nice
And I know there's missing
With every chance I'm taking
But this, and that, is life

It's the loving hate and hating love
It's the ups and downs that carry us all
Oooooo Oooooo
You reach real high at the low hanging clouds
It's hard sometimes with your feet on the ground
Oooooo Oooooo

I'm getting over
Four leaf clovers
Today...oh yeah

Oh as this world keeps spinning
You and I keep fishing
Flying kites and wishing
For something right
And I know there's missing
With every chance I'm taking
But this, and that, and this and that
And this, and that, and this and that
And this, and life

with much love <3

I need a Hair Cut

I'm really bored of my hair... it's just plain straight, nothing special......   My mom took control of my hair...  no colouring, no perming, no rebonding.... no this no that.... I want to change a new hair style but how can I if I'm not allowed to do anything with it except cutting.... arg.... I've always wanted to dye my hair even before I haven't graduated from high school.... so I wait and wait..... but mommy's "NO" just flew out her mouth easily and smashed my dream into pieces..... TT

At the same time, this Liese Bubble Hair colour advertisement is everywhere..... on tv, magazines..... *SOB* I hate it when temptation keeps gliding in but all you can do is ..... literally nothing.... you know how it feels, right?..... like you're the only one who participate in hunger strike for a week and all your friends around you just keep eating.... and you can only stare at the food and keep reminding yourself how bad the food smells but truly deep inside you know it's delicious.... That's torture.....

see how pretty they are.... oooooooooo

see what I mean??? >_<

Fine. Then I'll just need to find a hairstyle that suits me. That's all. 
So today I went to this site and do a little quiz to find out what my face shape is.... 

Next, google suitable hair style.... **I'm going to thanks google for being a part of my life :) **

These are some popular hairstyle in 2012 which I personally think all are awesome...

But in order to cut this kind of hairstyle, I'll need to give up on my long long long straight hair.... hmm...
I'll think about it then.......LOL
After all this, and now I'm still "considering" to have it or not.... LOL!!!!
with much love <3

Sunday 4 March 2012

Who's Your Favourite??

Who's your favourite?? Mom or dad???? Please think carefully before answering this question....                                             
It seems to be a simple question but have you notice that it's kinda hard to answer... I hesitated .... Did you??  Trying to recall memories from the past and compare???
Maybe you're able to answer " definitely mom" or " it's always dad" without hesitation, but it doesn't mean the other doesn't care about you or doesn't love you....
Both of them use different ways to express themselves...
Example 1 :
Example 2 :  
So you thought : 
    Possibility 1 : Mom loves me more than dad... Mom cares more than dad.... so i'll pick mom.
    Possibility 2 : Mom, could you please stop nagging? In this case, dad rules...
Things you didn't know :  Dads just don't nag. He still cares. He believes in you so he seems like setting you free but he still gets worried if you're not home in time. As for moms, cares X loves = NAGS (infinity)!!!!
you can't convince them to treat you in a way that you can accept.... it's kinda unfair to the one who is left behind just for the sake of you not accepting their ways of expressing love..... you can't deny the fact that they still love you, right???
Although sometimes they can get annoying, but think about the moments you had together... :)  it's irreplaceable... 

Here's a short clip of a cute baby interrogated by his dad to reveal her fav. parent. She soooo cute....

with much love <3

Guitar : Solo Lite Review

I've just downloaded this app using my mom's phone in a coffee shop this afternoon............... If you're guessing why I'm not using my own phone..... well, since mine isn't a smart phone..... ( don't even wanna mention my phone... it's those old style flip phone...) anyways, i'm gonna get a new one soon......

okay, back to the main topic....
it was kinda confusing at first because I don't know how to play a guitar.... like seriously, that's why I downloaded this app instead of buying a real solid guitar.... :3 but I may say it got better after a while..... define a while, i meant after pressing the "help" button it did helped a the next second i literally know how to use it.... the sound came out was amazingly great.... just like how a real one sounded.... no delay at all ........ it sounds perfect..... haha....
 this is how it looks..... look cool isn't it??!! 
by pressing the "chord library", you can change the chords shown above.......
and as for the "instrument" and "music & lyrics", you'll need to pay for the full version from Android Market to get to fully use them..... too bad I'm using their free version, I've no chance to try on all the possibilities....... 

 this is how it looks after pressing the "chord library"....  change any chords you like... it works perfectly well...
If you want to add more features to it, you'll need the full version.... with that, you can change your instrument, save new chords, etc...... definitely worth the money if you're a guitar lover.....

I'll give this app a four and a half stars out of five...... I love it!!!!

 * Don't judge me.... if you find this useless, i have nothing much to say... but for me, since I've never used any guitar apps before ) this is fun and interesting..... *

visit this website to search for guitar chords :
hope this help :)

 check out the video below and see how solo lite sounds.... 

with much love <3 

Friday 2 March 2012

Joe Brooks LIVE in Malaysia!!!!

GOOD NEWS GUYS!!!  Joe Brooks's currently in Malaysia.... and will be meeting Malaysia's fans on 3rd of March.... which is T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W!!!! yeah, I know that I'm kinda late... apparently, he's been in m'sia for like several days now.... but since I've just sign up for blogspot yesterday .......   forgive me to post it's my second post after all... :)

In case you guys don't know who he is,  he's a great singer!!! wanna know more?? google him or just check him out at youtube......=D

Unfortunately, I can't attend his first LIVE performance tomorrow as I'm not staying in KL...  
but for those who are going, YOU GUYS ARE LUCKY!!! Don't forget to snap tons of photos and post them on facebook ....... SHARE PHOTOS with the "unlucky ones"!!!! 

see how important SHARING is...... *laughs* 

For those who want to go but don't have any tickets..................... click the link below... check how  to get your tickets for tomorrow night ( guess it's not too late )...... 

oh... and don't forget to follow him on twitter  :!/joebrooksmusic
click the like button on facebook : /JoeBrooksMusic?sk=wall

 finally, this is a video of him doing random singing and dancing....
 love his randomness =) LOL<3

Joe Brooks, good luck for tomorrow and have a nice sleep tonight <3

gonna wait till pictures are uploaded to facebook by all those fans out there..... =D

with much love <3

There's always a first time for everything.....

I've been staring at the monitor for like ten minutes because I seriously don't know what to type......Stepping into the bloggers world was kinda impossible for me as I don't write much in my diary despite having one.... but....

since I have no school, no job and also I am still waiting for my university life to get started, so here I am, creating a blog spot account, typing random thoughts I have in mind...

oh yeah, it's 2012... which some of you out there may think that it's the end of the world or something..... thus, from now on, I'll keep my blog updated if I have time to do so and this will continue untill ....hmm the so-called " end of the world " ...

 what if the myth of 2012 is real.... no one knows what's coming.... so decision made, B-L-O-G!!!! 

If I was asked whether I believed the "myth", I think my answer would be yes...... seriously, I do believe.... there are so many related posts, articles, videos, talk shows which proved it right... yeah yeah... there are also objections against the theory going around..... but why not try to believe??

Not that I'm being superstitious or what..... everyone should live our life the fullest and leave no regrets..... but nowadays people fail to do so....... so much regrets, so much unfinished tasks.... By believing it, maybe .... you'll see things differently, from various angles, multiple perspectives.... you may discover new things.... 

live wisely with wisdom... that's what matter after all.......

end with a song by one of my favourite boy band - The Moffats -- If Life Is So Short 

with much love<3